The Life You Can Save: Website Copy Optimization

In early 2024, Jessica and Andrea La Mesa stepped into the roles of Co-CEOs at The Life You Can Save, a nonprofit founded by philosopher Peter Singer, and I was approached to update their website to coincide with the announcement of their leadership.

For the project, I refined the product descriptions and website structure, and developed copy introducing Jessica and Andrea. The goal was to condense their messaging and improve the site’s usability.

Skills: UX copywriting, UI copywriting; Product descriptions; Copy editing; Brand positioning and messaging


We do the research to make sure your donation has the highest impact

With our theory and your action, we can strategically work together to end extreme poverty

Learn more about our funds


Maximize Your Impact Fund

The Maximize Your Impact Fund addresses all dimensions of poverty, including education, health, and living standards, and also accounts for the disparities women and girls experience when living in extreme poverty.


More Info

Education Fund

The Education Fund supports charities that work to increase access to and participation in education and promote literacy, numeracy, and other life skills. The Education Fund also places emphasis on the compounding benefits of matriculating girls.


Mammut: Aspects Campaign Copy


Fairpicture: Marketing & Comms Strategy