Your product is personal. Let’s talk about it.
Content strategy and copywriting for brands that care about scientific nuance, kindness, and inclusion. Specialized in telling complex stories for health, sporting goods, and impact-driven organizations.
A Few Brands I’ve Worked With

What Clients Say
“Alex Phillips is an outstanding copywriter with a unique sense of how timing impacts a message, how certain messages should be framed, and when and how to adapt messages for audience or purpose.”
— Aaron Schmidtberger, international school marketing director

Guiding Principles
Be honest. Overselling a product or service isn’t just unethical; it’s not a sustainable business strategy.
Be kind. Consider if your copy & curriculum is inclusive and approachable to a variety of perspectives and learner types.
Be strategic. Take a step back and examine how this individual project fits your Big Picture messaging and philosophy.
Be humble. How we navigate the details often says the most about us.
Be bold. Boring doesn’t mean professional.